ELEKTRONIKA a.s. focuses on specialist system engineering for professional television and radio technology. Our team of highly-experienced technical specialists possess cutting-edge knowledge of television and radio broadcasting which can deliver on-project, supply and final assembly operations. Our extensive range of technological units are sourced from renowned foreign and local companies and are supplemented by our own in-house products. Our supplies start with individual devices and equipment, continues with technological units and independent workstations right up to complete technological complexes. Our services are bespoke according to the individual requests of each client.
ELEKTRONIKA a.s. fulfills the role of the final supplier, guaranteeing the supply of equipment and operations. Our client care does not end when the warranty period expires, our post-warranty service in agreement with each client allows peace of mind. ELEKTRONIKA has acquired extensive experience and necessary know-how in projects and supplies of integrated complexes (including OB vans) for public, private and foreign television and radio stations.
You know what, we know how, with a track-record of over 25 years.